Monday, January 17, 2011

So we start again.

Yes yes, there has been a reason why I stopped updating this space.
Well, make it reasons.
I just felt that this blog served no purpose at all.
Except to be a ranting wall,
Or an outlet for my items of interest.

But then again, isn't that the main point purpose of non-commercial blogging?
So then, back to this post.

Its more or less a must for most blog writers to write a special new year's post.
Discussing the previous year and desires for the new year ahead.

I've got to say,
2010 was an interesting year for me.
I used the word interesting for lack of better words.
It wasn't a bad year, yet it wasn't exactly a good year.
It was a year where I learned alot.
And the best thing that I came out of 2010 with was with the friends I made.
That was my saving grace of the year.

In short,
God was good to me.

For 2011,
My only hope, is for it to be a year of redemption.
A year in which I can look back in with no regrets.
Unlike 2010.
But then again, these regrets taught me life lessons.

I'm not actually a big fan of New Year's Resolutions.
Honestly I find them stupid.
But I still made a few. Which I am still keeping.
For now.

1. No fast food for a whole year.( Yes, laugh if you must)
2. No destroying cars this year.( Its a really bad habit)
3. Keep the friends I have made and to enrich the friendships.
4. Study hard. ( Sadly, I'm very worried about my future)

So yeah.

Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right.


The Old Year has gone. Let the dead past bury its own dead. The New Year has taken possession of the clock of time. All hail the duties and possibilities of the coming twelve months! 
Edward Payson Powell