Saturday, May 19, 2012

How interesting.

You see,
At the end of the day,
We all go home,
To our own homes,
To our own beds,
To our own realities,
To our own selves.

Selves that only we ourselves know,
Selves that only we ourselves can judge,

And sometimes,
One has the urge to say something,
Something socially unacceptable,
Or something that may end up biting ourself in the butt.

And only the completely honest,
Will dare to speak.

Or so it may seem.

The sad thing is,
Emotions tend to lead us to false judgments,
And we tend to believe,
In our self righteous, self justified claims,
But at the end of the day,
Our own realities,
May not differ that far from those whom we judge.

Which makes me wonder,
How is it,
Man as we are,
That this concept of Godly grace can be acceptable,
That we,
Imperfect, insatiable, hypocritical men,
Can be loved,
By a cosmic deity who exists as a concept of perfection.

Amazing grace,
A lesson I'm still learning from day to day,
Definitely not easy,
But satisfying.

Once you realise that,
Loving your neighbour as yourself,
Despite one's flaws and inequities,
Without judgement,
Or self praise in comparison,
It leads to an understanding,
That nothing really matters,
And it all comes down to a matter of the heart.


When you judge another, you do not define them, you define yourself.
Wayne Dyer

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